Association of the German Confectionery Industry (BDSI)

The BDSI represents the economic interests of predominantly medium-sized companies in the German confectionery industry.

Membership is possible either as a pay-scale company or as a non-pay-scale company. Sector-related companies/institutions may have a sponsor membership. The BDSI's member companies represent around 90% of sector sales.
The BDSI covers the following product groups:


The BDSI is

  • a trade association and employers' association with over 200 member companies
  • the representative of the confectionery industry's interests vis-à-vis politicians and public authorities at national, European, and at international level
  • the spokesperson of the German confectionery industry as regards the general public and the media
  • a service provider, information broker, and problem solver for its members
  • founder and co-organiser of the International Sweet and Biscuits Fair (ISM), ISM Middle East, ISM Japan and ProSweets Cologne.


The German Confectionery Industry in Figures

The German confectionery industry plays a leading role in the food sector, contributing around 10% to the total sales of the food industry. It is particularly characterised by its strong focus on exports.